PRINCE2 MASTERCLASS - Foundation 7th Edition

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2 Assessments, 108 Lessons

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PRINCE2 Foundation Masterclass

PRINCE2 Foundation Masterclass

PRINCE2® is a globally recognized project management framework. By completing both the Foundation and Practitioner courses through our self-paced e-learning, you will develop an understanding of the methodology and learn how to effectively adapt it to any project.

This PRINCE2 FOUNDATION course is a prerequisite for more advanced PRINCE2 certifications, such as PRINCE2 Practitioner. If you just want to sit your Foundation Exam then this is the perfect course for you - paced for home study, including study guides and sample exam questions with answers.

  • Official Online Exam (Optional)
  • E-Learning Course
  • Approximate 38 Hours Duration

This PRINCE2 Foundation Course is also included in the PRINCE2 Foundation & Practitioner Masterclass.

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This course offers the PRINCE2® 7 Foundation element of your certification only. This is a PeopleCert Accredited Course and guarantees to take you from PRINCE2 Novice to PRINCE2 Foundation Expert with our famous video learning, study guides and practice exams.


PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) Foundation is an entry-level certification in project management that covers the basic principles and terminology of the PRINCE2 methodology.


PRINCE2 is a structured project management approach that is widely used in the UK and internationally. The Foundation certification demonstrates a solid understanding of the PRINCE2 framework and its processes, principles, practices, and techniques.

PRINCE2 MASTERCLASS - Foundation 7th Edition

Here you will learn the foundation master class aims, what the PRINCE2 foundation exam covers and what exactly is the PRINCE2 7th edition as well as how our PRINCE2 foundation master class is structured

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Project elements and principles. Here you will understand the five PRINCE2 integrated elements and the main causes of project failure. I will summarise the seven PRINCE2 7th edition principles and define how each can be applied

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Project features and benefits. You will deep dive into the PRINCE2 features and benefits as well as understand how to apply project scale

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Project characteristics. Here you will understand the five characteristics of a project and be able to define project management. You will be able to identify typical project challenges

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Project performance management. You will identify the seven aspects of performance management while examining the various project delivery methods and the application of project management layers and tolerances

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Project Context. here you will examine users, suppliers and business layers including the application of organisational context and commercial context

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The Project Processes. Here you will summarise the key elements of each of the seven PRINCE2 processes from starting up a project to closing a project. We will also look at the relationship between these PRINCE2 processes and management stages as well as exploring how the PRINCE2 processes work together. You will learn the definition of a project.

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The PRINCE2 practices Part 1. you will define the business case, organizing, and plans practices

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PRINCE2 Practices Part 2. You will look at the quality and risk practices and the issues and progress practices. You will then look at applying these practices throughout the project.

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Project Sustainability. You will define what is meant by PRINCE2 sustainability management and the context within which sustainability is defined.

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Tailoring a Project. You will learn what are the purposes of tailoring a project and who is responsible and accountable, then look at tailoring a project with regard to both external and internal tailoring drivers.

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Seeing the PRINCE2 7 Processes and their key management products in action together in a single, detailed video is one of the most effective learning aids for understanding their interplay.

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People and ecosystems. In this module you will understand the importance of people in successful projects by defining key concepts and how people are central to project management. Module 2 lesson 1 You will learn about the project ecosystem and how people are central to the PRINCE2method. You and I will define people and define ecosystems. You will then look at comparing both organisational and project ecosystems.

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Change and stakeholders. Learn how to lead successful teams and lead successful change as well as establish a successful change management approach. You will learn what a stakeholder is and the importance of gaining stakeholder buy in. We will define what stakeholders are and their influences on a project.

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Project Culture. You will examine the three project interests and how this impact and defines the project culture

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Leading Successful Teams. Learn how to ensure leadership, collaboration, management, and co-creation in order to lead successful teams. Determine reporting lines and successful team leadership. You will be able to define the differences between leadership and management as well as leading teams across organizational boundaries

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Building effective teams. You will learn how to define what is meant by cultural intelligence as well as the key steps towards building an effective team and bringing the team together.

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Project Communication Part 1. You will establish why communication is vital and how the strategy for this is built into the communication management approach. You will look at communication challenges regarding co-located teams and remote teams.

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Project Communication Part 2. You will investigate what is known as the quiet phase and the project reporting environment, then go through in detail the communication management approach document and establish why people are central to PRINCE2

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Starting Up a project and Initiating a Project processes. This lesson combines the starting up a project process and the initiating a project process. First you will understand the context of both processes and be taken through a detailed PRINCE2 journey from starting up a project through to closing a project.

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Starting up a project purpose and context. Learn the overview of starting up a project, define this process purpose and its objectives. Look in detail at the context of starting up a project as well as its key inputs and outputs in terms of management products.

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The Project Mandate, the project approach and the project brief. You will look in detail at the structure and use of the project mandate, the project approach and the project brief

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The Initiating a Project process. You will grasp the initiating a project learning outcomes its purpose, and what you will learn, then look at the purpose of the initiating a project process, its objectives, as well as its context in terms of tasks and activities.

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Initiating a Project context and overview. You will learn the responsibilities of the project board and project manager in the context of initiating a project as well as the key management products used within this process. You will investigate the initiating a project overview and provide a high level content of the project initiation documentation, then look at the steps in assembling the project initiation documentation leading up to requesting that the project is authorised.

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The Organizing Practice introduction. In this module you will be able to explore and understand the purpose of the organizing practise the three project interests and the structure of the project management team. You will understand the organisational design and development process as well as know how the principles apply to the organizing practise. You will learn how people are central to the PRINCE2method and how to apply the PRINCE2 practices

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Management Products in organizing. You will grasp the purpose of the project initiation documentation, its content and that of the project log

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Organizing Essentials. You will learn what makes a successful project management team and the purpose of the organizing practise, then look at the project management team structure and an overview of the roles and responsibilities involved

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Organizing project interests. Learn the three project interests covering the business, user, and supplier project interests. Understand the project board interests, their roles and responsibilities.

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The Organizing layers. Learn the four organisational layers of commissioning, directing, managing, and delivering layers, then understand the roles and responsibilities of the project executive, the senior user, and the senior supplier. Finish off looking at the roles and responsibilities of the project assurance function

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Organizing Team Roles. Examine the characteristics of a successful team, the team roles and responsibilities when considering the project manager, the team manager, and project support. Understand the work breakdown structure and its use in planning and control.

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Organisational design and development Part 1 Learn the PRINCE2 five step organisational design and development technique as well as being able to design the project ecosystem

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Organisational design and development Part 2. Continue looking at the PRINCE2 five steps for organisational developments as well as developing the project ecosystem and managing changes to this ecosystem. Learn how to transition the project into the organisation ecosystem.

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Organizing Practice Management Products. Deep dive into the commercial management approach document the project management team structure and their role descriptions

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Relationships with PRINCE2 principles Review each of the seven PRINCE2 principles showing how the organizing practise supports each and the results obtained from each principle.

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The Business Case practise. Understand the aims of the business case its purpose and application. Determine the business case learning outcomes including being able to explore and understand the business case practise, know and understand the key concepts, the benefits management approach and the business case management process

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Benefits and Business justification. You will examine the outputs, capability, outcome, and project outputs that contribute to the benefits within the business case, and look at the elements that contribute to ongoing business justification

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The Business Case lifecycle. Learn how the business case evolves from the project mandate through to its full structure and how this evolves throughout the project life cycle. Discover how to align products to both benefits and tolerances

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The Benefits Life cycle Part 1. Learn the four step business case management technique and how it is used throughout the life cycle of a project in this first part you will learn the develop step and the check step

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The Benefits Life cycle Part 2. In this second part you will learn the maintain and confirm step of benefits management

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Business Practice Management products. Learn the three management products, the business case, the benefits management approach, and the sustainability management approach

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The Business Case Practice principles.In this lesson you will learn all seven of the PRINCE2principles and how they relate to the business case practise including how each principle can be harnessed and the results expected

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The Risk Practice. In this module you will explore and understand the purpose of the risk practise and of the risk budget. You'll understand the key concepts related to risk and the recommended risk management procedure. You will understand the risk management approach and risk register purpose. In lesson 1, you will understand the purpose of the risk practise as well as the differences between threats and opportunities, then go on to look at the differences between uncertainty and the use of standards

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Risk guidance and concepts. Examine effective risk management guidance along with the risk concepts and definitions

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Risk Planning and Analysis. Learn examples of both threat and opportunity risks, how to carry out risk analysis, use of the risk matrix and the definition of residual and secondary risks

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Risk Control Responses Part 1. There are various responses that can be used to manage risks, and in this first session we will look at avoiding, reducing transferring, and sharing the risk

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Risk Control Responses Part 2. In this second part you will learn the acceptance response and the prepare contingent plans response

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Risk Roles, Culture and Bias. Learn how to define the responsibilities for the risk owner and the risk action owner, going on to define the risk budget, risk culture, and risk and response biases

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The Risk Management Technique Part 1. Here, you will examine the define context and objective step identify threats and opportunities and assess and prioritise risks

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Risk Management Technique Part 2. You will grasp the risk planning step, how to implement it, out of communicate it, and finish off with looking at the use of data

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Risk Practice Principles. Learn the seven PRINCE2principles and how they apply to the risk practice, first by examining how each can be achieved and then the results obtained

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The Risk Practice documents. Grasp the structure and content of the Risk management approach and the risk register

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The Quality Practice. Explore and understand the quality practice purpose, the key concepts related to quality, use of the product description and project product description, understand the quality management approach and quality register as well as grasp the PRINCE2technique for quality management. Examine the PRINCE2 quality method and the purpose of the quality practice. Learn how the PRINCE2 method uses systematic activities to define the quality specifications, quality techniques, and the quality responsibilities of those involved

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Quality Terminology. Examine PRINCE2 key quality concepts - first those related to quality planning, quality control, and quality assurance, then by looking at the key terminology used in defining quality including quality requirement users quality expectations, quality specifications, and acceptance criteria

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The Product-based Quality Approach. Here you will learn how to translate requirements into acceptance criteria and quality specification for the products of a project, going on to look at the principle of focusing on products and the importance of prioritising requirements

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The Quality Management Technique. Learn the three-step quality management technique integrated around the principle of focusing on products. Get an introduction to the PRINCE2 quality management technique and how to carry out effective quality management

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The Project Product Description. Learn the structure and the purpose of the project product description and how it relates to the user’s quality expectations

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The Quality Management Approach. This is one of the nine approach documents within the project initiation documentation, and you will be able to describe the structure and contents of the quality management approach document as well as the use of quantitative and qualitative quality planning measures

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Creating Product Descriptions. Be able to describe the purpose of a product description and how it is used, then describing the sections and content within a typical product description

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Quality Control. Here you will start with looking at the purpose and content of the product register, how quality control is implemented, the use and contents of the quality register, and the differences between quality assurance and project assurance

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The Quality Practice PRINCE2 Principle relationships. Learn how each of the seven PRINCE2 principles apply to the quality practice, how each is achieved, and the results obtained

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In lesson one you will learn the plans practice learning outcomes and the topics we will cover in this module, along with the plan definition and purpose, and how a plan is developed.

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In lesson two you will understand the benefits of product-based planning, the PRINCE2 product focus and how this supports the planning practice.

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In lesson three you will investigate the planning horizon, the cone of uncertainty and how plans enable control.

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In lesson four you will examine the types of plans and different plan levels. You will understand the project plan and the management product and its contents for the project plan template.

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In lesson five you will examine the trade-offs between the number of stages, the length of stages, and the creation of a stage plan.

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In lesson six you will examine the team plan, the exception planned, and the relationship between PRINCE2 stages and work packages.

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In lesson seven you will understand the use of tolerances in planning and how plans can address sustainability

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In lesson eight you will look at how a plans practise relates to the 7 PRINCE2 principles, their alignment benefits and the results obtained.

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In lesson nine you will look at the first part of three lessons examining the details of the PRINCE2 product-based planning technique. This will include writing the project product description and its structure.

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In lesson ten you will look at the second part of the product-based planning technique, and this will include the creation of the product breakdown structure with examples and guidelines.

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In lesson eleven you will look at the third and final part of the PRINCE2 product-based planning technique and create the product flow diagram.

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In lesson twelve You will undertake Part 1 of the PRINCE2 technique for planning and this will include organising work packages, creating the work package description, and preparing estimates.

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In lesson thirteen you will learn how to prepare estimates, prepare a schedule, and prepare the budget.

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In lesson fourteen you will understand how to analyse risks and complete the plan document.

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You will cover the directing a project syllabus, the directing of project purpose, and the objectives of directing a project. In addition you will learn a high level view of how to apply the directing a project process throughout a PRINCE2 project

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You will understand how the four management layers work within the pre project activities, the initiation stage and subsequent stages. You will gain an overview of the key management products and their use during a typical project life cycle with regard to the directing a project process.

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You will learn how the project board works within the directing a project process and how it supports management by exception, communication, and continued business justification.

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This lesson provides an overview of the controlling a stage and managing product delivery process is and a brief introduction to how they are used within the management layers and PRINCE2 life cycle

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You will learn the controlling a stage process overview, its objectives, and the application of the controlling a stage activities.

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Here, we will deep dive at the activities used within the controlling a stage process and how they relate to the other processes. You will learn how to Apply the controlling a stage process within a typical project.

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You will grasp the managing product delivery learning outcomes. How these relate between the project manager and team manager, and what the managing product delivery objectives are. You will learn the managing product delivery overview, and the details of the managing product delivery process.

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You will learn the managing product delivery activities and their purpose, as well as the content and structure of a work package description and checkpoint report

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Here, you will grasp the managing a stage boundary learning outcomes, its purpose and application, and the managing a stage boundary objectives.

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In lesson 2, You will understand the managing a stage boundary context, it's overview, the activities within it, and how it is applied within PRINCE2 management stages.

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This lesson discuss is the stage boundary entry points, it's evaluation and request, Exception plans and how to prepare the next stage plan

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You will learn how to update the project plan and the business case, how to evaluate the stage and the structure and contents of a typical end stage report

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This lesson provides an overview of the issues practice syllabus and learning outcomes.

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You will understand the issues practice purpose, its approach, the different types of issue, and how to resolve them.

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You will learn what a business opportunity is, the two types of changes, the general approach to managing issues, and the use of baselines

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You will learn the different change types, the PRINCE2 change control process, and the guidelines for delegating change authority

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This is part one describing the PRINCE2 issue management procedure, describing the issue capture, assess, and recommend steps

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This is the second part of the issues management procedure, covering the issues decide step, and issue implement step

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This lesson details the key management products used to support the issues practice. They are the issue management approach, the issue register, and the issue report

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In this lesson you will learn how each of the seven PRINCE2 principles are applied to, and support the issues practice

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In this lesson you will grasp the progress practice key learning outcomes, cover the progress practice purpose, understand the PRINCE2 six step process for exception management, and the purpose of progress control.

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Here, you will learn the definition for progress, forecast, and exception management. You will learn how to use the management levels and tolerances and the key management roles and responsibilities

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This lesson covers the progress practice tolerances layer by layer, along with the seven tolerance areas and how they are used at project, stage, work package, and product levels.

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in this lesson you will fully understand the PRINCE2 management by exception process, and the six steps to implement it.

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Here you will learn how to capture and review and report lessons and the part they play in reviewing progress. You will analyze each lesson using five steps and understand how management and collaboration systems work

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In this lesson you will cover forecasting and escalating progress information, and the part it plays in exception management. You will cover the project, stage, and work package exception levels

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This lesson covers how to apply progress data and systems to track progress management, and the use of the digital and data management approach within the project.

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The focus of this lesson is on project reports. You will learn the seven report types and how they are used for project progress and exception situations

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Here, you will learn how to apply the seven PRINCE2 principles to the progress practice, how each is applied, and what will be the resulting outcome.

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You will learn the foundation exam closing a project learning outcomes including its purpose and objectives

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You will learn the closing a project context including how the activities work together within a project.

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This is the first part of the closing a project activities for preparing both planned and premature project close and confirming project acceptance

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This is the second part of the closing a project activities, where you will learn how to evaluate the project, request project closure, and tailoring the roles within the closing a project process.

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About the teacher

Dave Litten

Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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