PRINCE2 Foundation - Module 4

About PRINCE2 Foundation - Module 4

You will learn:

  • the purpose of the organisation practice
  • the three project interests and how these are represented in the four management levels
  • the roles and responsibilities of the different parts of the project management team
  • the management products specific to the organising practice
  • the application of the principles within the organising practice

Module Content

Video lesson

The Organizing Practice introduction. In this module you will be able to explore and understand the purpose of the organizing practise the three project interests and the structure of the project management team. You will understand the organisational design and development process as well as know how the principles apply to the organizing practise. You will learn how people are central to the PRINCE2method and how to apply the PRINCE2 practices

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Management Products in organizing. You will grasp the purpose of the project initiation documentation, its content and that of the project log

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Organizing Essentials. You will learn what makes a successful project management team and the purpose of the organizing practise, then look at the project management team structure and an overview of the roles and responsibilities involved

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Organizing project interests. Learn the three project interests covering the business, user, and supplier project interests. Understand the project board interests, their roles and responsibilities.

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The Organizing layers. Learn the four organisational layers of commissioning, directing, managing, and delivering layers, then understand the roles and responsibilities of the project executive, the senior user, and the senior supplier. Finish off looking at the roles and responsibilities of the project assurance function

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Organizing Team Roles. Examine the characteristics of a successful team, the team roles and responsibilities when considering the project manager, the team manager, and project support. Understand the work breakdown structure and its use in planning and control.

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Organisational design and development Part 1 Learn the PRINCE2 five step organisational design and development technique as well as being able to design the project ecosystem

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Organisational design and development Part 2. Continue looking at the PRINCE2 five steps for organisational developments as well as developing the project ecosystem and managing changes to this ecosystem. Learn how to transition the project into the organisation ecosystem.

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Organizing Practice Management Products. Deep dive into the commercial management approach document the project management team structure and their role descriptions

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Relationships with PRINCE2 principles Review each of the seven PRINCE2 principles showing how the organizing practise supports each and the results obtained from each principle.

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