PRINCE2 Mentor - Coaching for your PRINCE2 Exam

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  • PRINCE2 Mentor - Coaching for your PRINCE2 Exam

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One to One PRINCE2 Coaching with Dave Litten



Step 1 - Talk to the PRINCE2 COACH

Before you join the course, talk to Dave directly. He can explain what is covered, how he can help you guarantee your PRINCE2 PASS.  with Dave Litten as your very own personal PRINCE2 STUDY COACH


Step 2 - Join the PRINCE2 Coaching Program

Once you've spoken to Dave and have gotten a solid understanding of what Personal Coaching entails, click the button below to pay for your personal coaching.


Step 3 - Absorb the PRINCE2 Masterclass with your 1-to-1 PRINCE2 Mentor 

Enjoy your personal one on one coaching with Dave Litten - PRINCE2 MENTOR. There will be only ONE outcome: Pass The Prince 2 Exam!

PRINCE2 Mentor - Coaching for your PRINCE2 Exam

PRINCE2 Personal Coaching

4 Lessons

This is the highest level of coaching for PRINCE2 Practitioner preparation by one of the sharpest PRINCE2 minds.  Get Fired Up - make time to take your most important action to become a PRINCE2 Practitioner.

Video lesson

Would You Like Me to Personally PRINCE2 Study Coach You to Exam Success? If you just simply cannot afford to ‘take your time’ and will get immense value (and comfort) from knowing you have a direct line to me personally (so we don’t waste time wading through what you already know). Failure is not an option for you, is it?

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Dave has built a Q&A Section for all his private students. Read on to discover the terrific value our ​PRINCE2 Coaching Program will give you . . .

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Contact Dave with this email, introduce yourself and he will email you to arrange a free no-obligation discovery call using Skype.

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Session 1

6 Lessons

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Welcome and thank you so much for investing in my PRINCE2 Coaching Program. Attached are your first documents and study assignments.

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Welcome to your FIRST PRINCE2 coaching session assignment. Now that you have signed up, these are your first set of assignments and exercises to carry out. I take our coaching sessions very seriously, and it is important you play your part too.

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PRINCE2 Principles - The first integrated element of PRINCE2 is the principles. You can think of these as the core guiding concepts that the rest of PRINCE2 adheres to. If a project management team is not practising all of the principles, it is not a PRINCE2 project.

Text lesson

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A sneak peek at typical PRINCE2 exam questions and answers! PRINCE2 exam dumps are a good way to get inside the examiners mindset and score well on your exam. This video gives you tips and tricks to ace your PRINCE2 foundation exam, and ensure your PRINCE2 exam preparation goes well...

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Tab up, or write on, your manual to help you speed through the PRINCE2 Exam

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About the teacher

Dave Litten

Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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