

 September 27, 2017

By  Dave Litten


​Master PRINCE2 SCRUM HERE! (and become a Certified Scrum Master!)

​What is ​PRINCE2 and SCRUM?

Put simply PRINCE2 Scrum is an empirical exposure model, meaning knowledge is gained from real life experience, and decisions are made based on that experience.

PRINCE2 Scrum is a way of organizing your project to expose whether your approach Is generating intended results in realityIf you need to get your project done, PRINCE2 Scrum provides a structure for increased efficiency and faster results.


Within PRINCE2 Scrum, common sense comes first. You focus on what can be done today with an eye toward breaking future work into manageable pieces. You can immediately see how well your development methodology is working, and when you find inefficiencies in your approach, PRINCE2 Scrum allows you to act on them by adjusting with clarity and speed.

Empirical exposure has been used in sculpting for example, you chisel away, check the results, make any deductions necessary, and just always some more. Much like computer modeling the imperative exposure model means observing or experiencing actual results, rather than simulating them based on research or a mathematical formula.

You then make decisions based on these experiences.

In PRINCE2 Scrum, you break down your project into actionable chunks and then observed your results every step of the way. This allows you to immediately make the changes necessary to keep you on the best track possible.

PRINCE2 Scrum is not a methodology, it is a simple framework for clearly defining roles and organizing your actionable work so you are more effective in prioritizing work, and more efficient in completing work selected.

Frameworks are less prescriptive than methodologies and provide appropriate amounts of flexibility for additional processes, structures, and tools that complements them.

PRINCE2 Scrum makes the transition to agile project management effortless, you just need to call principles so you can keep your projects on time and on budget. PRINCE2 Scrum is different, because it lowers costs and speeds project completion.

When you use PRINCE2 Scrum, you can clearly observe and adopt complimentary methods and practices and quickly determine with you are making real, tangible progress. You create tested, Usable results Within weeks, days, or sometimes just hours.

PRINCE2 Scrum is an iterative, incremental approach, and is just like building a house brick by brick.

It gives you the early empirical evidence of performance and quality.

PRINCE2 Scrum roles are distinct and self-ruling, with individuals and teams being given the freedom and tools to get the job done.

Lengthy progress reports, redundant meetings, and bloated management layers are nonexistent. If you just plain want to get the job done, PRINCE2 Scrum is the approach to use.

By far and away the biggest advantage of using PRINCE2 Scrum is its absolute versatility. PRINCE2 Scrum Can be used on any project, in any environment, and in any industry. It can be used on projects from small, low risk and simple, Two large projects, high risk and high cost.

PRINCE2 SCRUM verses Upfront engineering

The propensity for development managers, project managers, and developers themselves to plan out everything in advance has deep roots.

Most schools still teach upfront engineering, that is, plans first and develop second.

The waterfall methods enforce the ‘Plan all and then develop all’ Mindset. It is built around completing one phase entirely, like designing, before moving onto the next, like developing, given this background, you will find a stigma to change in something after a project starts.

But as you know, within the framework of PRINCE2 Scrum, change is ideal since Paul changes are learning.

You will incorporate change every day, after every sprint, and in each release.

In PRINCE2 Scrum, change is progress

Prince2 Scrum

When management and developers have invested Time &Energy in planning something, it’s hard to do is drop those plans and potentially suffer sunk costs. Sunk costs are those funds that have been spent on a project and cannot be recovered. In a waterfall, Sunk costs were more common as projects were planned and funded up front. If they failed along the way, you had nothing to show for the effort.

With PRINCE2 Scrum, you have the concepts of fading fast or incrementally accumulating fully built functionality. Instead of sinking a lot of money into projects up front, you can allocate funds along the way.

If the project ends earlier than intended, you either lose less money in the form of some costs, or you make a great business decision that maximizes the return on investment of your limited investment. With PRINCE2 Scrum, your days of catastrophic failure are gone.

64% of some software project features are never, or rarely used. Just think about the wasted time, Energy, and resources involved in planning, designing, developing, testing, and documenting what is not used.

With PRINCE2 Scrum, the dominant paradigm of planning everything in advance is dispelled. What takes traditional projects weeks and months to plan, PRINCE2 Scrum projects can do the same thing in a matter of hours.

Because PRINCE2 Scrum teams understand that they don’t know everything up front, they don’t rigorously plan what they don’t know. They assess and adapt along the way as new information is garnered and as priorities are continually reassessed.


Dave Litten

Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

The Projex Academy

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