If you want to demonstrate your knowledge and capability within the project management world, then the Technical Debt Masterclass is perfect addition to your skill-set.
What is Technical Debt?
Definition: Technical debt (also known as tech-debt or code-debt) describes the results of development teams taking action to expedite the delivery of a piece of functionality or a project which later need to be refactored.
Who is this qualification for?
Understand how technical debt infects the business health of just about every project and process in every industry sector - whether agile or not.
Who needs this?
The Technical Debt Masterclass is designed for project managers, project team members, and all professionals who want to improve their project management abilities and widen their knowledge of using best practice in project management.
Technical Debt Masterclass was designed for your success. Each and every facet of the course, from its length to action items, was carefully planned to serve that goal.
The online course includes all the analysis and implementation skills you need - taking you from Novice to Expert.
How long the course takes is up to you - a rapid over-the-weekend preparation if you wish - or you can work at your own pace.
Technical Debt Masterclass
Technical Debt has become more evident in the last decade as the pace and horizon of change continues to expand. This debt is a backlog of work caused by not doing regular cleanup, maintenance, and standardization during product development to make future work easier.
Technical Debt. Technical Debt Overview. Iterative development recognizes we will probably get things wrong before we get them right. We use multiple passes to improve what we are building to converge on a good solution.
Technical Debt works in a similar way to financial debt - when you take shortcuts to roll out a product on time, you basically take on debt. The symptom is the more debt you take on, the more it slows you down, and the more you will have to take on in the upcoming stages of the project.
You should care about technical debt - developers must deal directly with technical debt, so while it may make their job easier today, it will certainly make it a lot harder and in the long term, more time-consuming.
If the team does not pay attention to quality, it will soon become impossible to release anything rapidly. Perform frequent incorporation of work into the whole, no matter the product, and then retest to determine that the entire product still works as intended.
The impact of Technical Debt grows in an unpredictable, nonlinear manner. Taking on technical debt is taking a loan today against the time needed to do future work.
Sponsors usually want to know when the project will be done. Once the team establishes a reliable velocity (average stories or story points per iteration) or the average cycle time, the team can predict how much longer the project will take.
Do you want to cut scope to reach the desired release date, or increase schedule duration to deliver on the likely release date? Accelerated velocity takes on technical debt by cutting corners, poorer design, reduce testing, etc.
No product can be debt-free since such economics may not be justified. Technical Debt should be kept low enough so it does not significantly affect product development.
An important cause of technical debt is when work that should have been performed when a feature was built but ended up being deferred. The more technically encompassing the definition of done checklist is, the less likely of accruing technical debt and improving economics.
The team sets a budget of time to allow for servicing happened-upon technical debt when it is discovered. Happened-upon technical debt that is NOT serviced should be classed as known debt and made visible for corrective action or not.
In enterprise IT, technical debt comes in the form of legacy hardware and software, inefficient maintenance processes, outdated communications or inadequately maintained products/software, lack of scalability or resiliency, and poor user experiences.
There are still business and project deadline pressures. Technical Debt reduces team effectivity and product quality. The accelerated effort, long hours increases technical debt by cutting corners, poorer design, reduce testing, errors, etc.
evident in the last decade as the pace and horizon of change continues to expand.
About the teacher
Dave Litten
Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.
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