TASKPACK Project Task Management

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  • TASKPACK Project Task Management

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Project Management

8 Lessons

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Taskpack - Project Task Management


Why Task Pack?

Taskpack Project Task Management

TASKPACK has been designed for personal assignments for those without project management skills – yet want structure and success tools for their personal initiatives.

  • Project Management Tools in your personal life?
  • Decisively define your given assignment
  • Define and refine your assignment approach
  • Realistic and achievable assignment delivery plans
  • Create simple and powerful controls

TASKPACK - Project Task Management

Course Overview Post Taskpack Project Task Management

Delivering successful Personal Assignments is the most visible and sure way to build reputations and gain personal KUDOS. Harness the Power of task management scheduling to control YOUR Work Assignments. The World’s First Transferable Work Assignment Projectizer - an innovative  task manager framework model that works in any industry or organization. Learn to apply a highly effective and condensed form of project management controls (just 5 steps) for any personal work assignment to ensure successful delivery

TASKPACK Project Task Management

Free Lessons

2 Lessons

In this first TaskPack lesson you learn this is not about projects or project management - rather how to simply 'borrow' powerful projectizing techniques, and power increased time management and personal effectiveness while ensuring quality deliverables. TaskPack is a new framework for the successful delivery of your personal assignments and getting kudos too!

Video lesson

In this module, you learn two powerful techniques to help define your personal assignment and identify root causes that your assignment will resolve. You will learn how to identify the six assignment performance drivers, how to management constraints and assumptions, and determine you assignment goals and acceptance criteria

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6 Lessons

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In Module 3 you will learn a simple technique for identifying, sequencing and sizing your assignment activities. I will introduce you to a simple 'paint-by-numbers' control model to turn YOU into a fool-proof assignment manager. In addition, I show you how to load resources (human and non-human) into your Assignment Plan.

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In this TaskPack Module, I showcase powerful yet simple estimating techniques. For your assignment to be successful, I provide you with simple formula for delivering on time, on budget, and delighting your assignment customer! You will learn how to estimate work effort, cost, and assignment duration plus a deadly accurate averaging technique.

Video lesson

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plus remove and eliminate risks that would otherwise kill the success of your assignment. You learn the simple six steps to flawlessly manage and resolve issues, a simple sequence for analyzing and controlling risks, plus five powerful risk responses to drive successful assignment delivery.

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This and the final module explain how to manage, control and deliver your assignment. Here, you will learn my unique TaskPack five steps and my Assignment Definition tool. I give you a detailed assignment example for you to follow so you won't miss a thing!

Video lesson

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In this final Module, you and I pull all the TaskPack tools and techniques together for successful assignment delivery. You will learn how to use your activity list, schedule diary, and my powerful TaskPack Dashboard to steer your assignment to successful completion. I show you how to exercise complete control over your delivery sequence and tweak your resource assignments to stay on track.

Video lesson

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Here are direct download links to all the side-by-side study information for this course. Download this at your leisure or review them in your browser:

Text lesson


About the teacher

Dave Litten

Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

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