
PMP for PRINCE2 Practitioner 

 January 8, 2016

By  Dave Litten

PMP for PRINCE2 Practitioner

I have some great news for those that are currently PMP holders, so if you have passed the PMP exam already, your prior learning and knowledge of The PMBOK Guide, is now recognized by PRINCE2 and you will not have to take the PRINCE2 Foundation exam as a pre-requisite to sitting the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

Whereas the PMP qualification sets the standard for your project management knowledge and skills, the PRINCE2 Practitioner accreditation sets you apart as being able to apply and tailor the method as a framework for project success.


So as such, it is accepted that PMP and PRINCE2 support each other as complementary standards and qualifications.

It is fair to say that since PRINCE2 originated in the UK that the qualification is highly prized within Europe and other countries such as Australia, whereas PMP is far better known in areas such as North America.

This joint agreement is a good thing as it spreads the recognition of both PRINCE2 and PMP worldwide, leading ultimately to both qualifications are being sought out by your current and future employers.

So if you already have passed the PMP exam, you are in the pole position to prepare for your PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

But first a word of caution

As a PMP you hold proof of being an experienced and skilled project manager, but this alone will not prepare you to take the PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam.  You see, there is little in the PMBOK Guide to prepare you for the PRINCE2 exam.

You see, PRINCE2 is a methodology while the PMBOK Guide represents a project management framework, so although they are complementary, they are in fact very different, and you will need extra preparation before you are fully ready to take the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

The PRINCE2 Practitioner exam is based on only one publication which is the official Manual examination; “Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2”.

The new rules for current PMP holders means that although he only need to set one examination instead of two, the exam you are exempt from is called the PRINCE2 Foundation exam, and although you will not need to take it you will still want to recall facts and be able to describe these.  Put simply, the foundation knowledge forms the basis for the more advanced information you will need for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam.

So this change will really help current PMP holders as they will have one less exam to study for, because while you will still need to understand the foundation level topics, you will not be tested upon them.

My online video-based self-study training, PRINCE2 Primer, is all you will need to invest in, apart from purchasing the official Manual (which you are allowed to bring into your PRINCE2 Practitioner exam as a reference source).

Of course, you will need to pay for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam, which you can take as a public exam either at one of the four open centres within the UK, or by applying through the British Council in your country. Find more details on taking your exam HERE

You will need to provide written evidence of your current PMP status which will mean providing your PMP certificate or the exam report from the test centre that you used.

PRINCE2 also recognizes the CAPM qualification as prior learning.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that if you are already a PRINCE2 Practitioner and are considering preparing for the PMP exam, you have another option, and that is to prepare for the Association of Project Management Project Management Qualification (formerly known as the APMP).

Instead of preparing for the complete APMP syllabus, you can still attain APMP status by taking a much reduced and simpler exam than the knowledge is prior learning due to your PRINCE2 Practitioner status.

This exam is called the APMP for PRINCE2 Practitioners exam, and you can prepare for this without the expense and stress of class room learning by using my online video-based self-study training APMP for PRINCE2 Practitioners Academy System HERE!

Dave Litten

Dave spent 25+ years as a senior project manager for UK and USA multinationals and has deep experience in project management. He now develops a wide range of Project Management Masterclasses, under the Projex Academy brand name. In addition, David runs project management training seminars across the world, and is a prolific writer on the many topics of project management.

The Projex Academy

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