You are probably aware of our Lean Six Sigma Masterclass - designed to get you a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate - but what about if you need to develop NEW processes, products and services?
Well luckily Projex Academy has a Masterclass teaching you how to master Design For Six Sigma (DfSS) and the DMADV Method.
These modules are a companion to our Projex Academy Lean Six Sigma Masterclass:
Lean Six Sigma used the DMAIC Method, whereas DfSS uses the DMADV Method – Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify
DMAIC Is used to improve existing processes, but sometimes the process does not exist and you need to create one, perhaps for new services or products
It may be that your current process is so poor that scrapping it and starting again makes more sense! DMADV Will help introduce new products and services quickly and to a consistently high standard
When redesigning a process we focus on the customer, when designing a new service or product there may not be a customer yet, so we focus on the demands of the (potential) marketplace
Where the customer is involved, this means both end-user customers and internal business stakeholders and users
Customer requirements and the resulting CTQ’ s are established early on and the DMADV framework ensures that these requirements are satisfied in the final product, service, or process
As with DMAIC, we managed by facts and not speculation to ensure that new designs reflect customer CTQs and provide real value to the customers.
DMADV projects are more resource-hungry than DMAIC projects in terms of people, IT involvement, and cost
Despite these higher costs and risks, DMADV projects bring higher rewards
In large organizations using Lean Six Sigma, 20 DMAIC projects will likely be carried out for every one DMADV project
There are likely to be many lean projects, a moderate number of DMAIC projects, and a few DfSS projects as the organization gradually reduces rework and waste, improving process flow and reducing cycle times.
Design for 6 Sigma Masterclass (DfSS)
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